
Universitat de Barcelona (UB)

UB serves as the project coordinator of CoAct and is in the leading role of Research and Innovation Action #1 Mental Health Care in Barcelona. UB will also support..

Zentrum für Soziale Innovation (ZSI)

ZSI will lead the Evaluation and Impact assessment of the methodological framework and the participatory research activities, as well as implement the co-evaluation strategy.

Universität Wien (UNIVIE)

UNIVIE will lead the Research and Innovation Action #2 Youth Employment in Vienna. We will work with youth aged 15­-18 that are currently in supporting measure...

Open Knowledge International (OKF)

OKF will lead the endeavouring of new Citizen Social Science spaces, with a focus on Gender Equality. Based on its international network in Europe and...

Federació Salut Mental Catalunya (FSMC)

FSMC will lead the Research and Innovation Action #1, Mental Health Care in Barcelona, together with UB. Thanks to our network of 68 associations, our strong link with policymakers, public bodies, as well as...