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CoAct Research Cycle

CoAct promotes and further develops methods and tools for citizen social science. Tools were developed, tested and applied in four research fields: mental healthcare, youth employment, environmental justice and gender equality. The Research Cycle presents the different steps and principles that guide the research process. These tools proved as helpful and valuable for the knowledge production and development of innovations in citizen social science projects.

The research cycle comprises five research steps: 1. Preparing research and innovation, 2. Co-designing research, 3. Conducting research, 4. Interpreting data, and 5. Transforming results into action.

The research cycle is further guided by two “transversal” concepts: Ethics and Co-evaluation. Transversal concepts are guiding principles for each step and the overall research and innovation process. In CoAct, ethics and co-evaluation provide conceptual and operational direction for each research step and the overall research cycle. In this part of the toolkit, we explain the CoAct research cycle steps and transversal concepts and present  practical information on how to integrate them in citizen social science projects.