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Our Community

Our Community

CoAct is a point of departure! One of our core objectives is to build and support sustainable Citizen Social Science communities of practice, that are inclusive, diverse, and trans-disciplinary!

Who can take part?

CoAct is open to researchers with diverse backgrounds, grass­root movements, CSOs, local communities, activists, interested citizens, public administrations and policy makers already involved with or wishing to engage with Citizen Social Science as an approach to engaged and inclusive research. Citizen Social Science will grow to be open to everyone who is interested in learning from each other, sharing, and providing robust approaches to induce needed changes in societies.

How to join?

A first step to join our community is to be part of our Signal group. Send us your request to join by clicking the button bellow:

Once you join the signal group please introduce yourself with a) name, b) affiliated organisation or network if applicable, and c) a little note on your motivation to join this group. Only members who introduce themselves will be able to stay in the group.

Through the signal group we’d like to nourish and grow a global community of practice, to learn from and with each other and connect communities and projects from around the world. We will also organise a series of events with/for the community etc. based on the needs and interests that come to life in this group.

We are looking forward to shaping a Citizen Social Science approach with you!