Katja Mayer, 6 July 2020 The Coronavirus crisis shows us how fragile and sensitive our living environments are. Everywhere taken for granted infrastructures collapse, or it becomes clear that they are insufficiently available or maintained. It has...
Presentation of “CoAct for Mental Health” through online video conference and small groups discussion to clarify doubts. 43 representatives of public administrations, civil society organisations and co-researchers attended the meeting.
This collaborative work within the Consortium aimed at re-writing passages of the Informed Consent forms in Plain Language.
Anna Cigarini, 17 June 2020 The COVID-19 pandemic has stressed the role that citizen science may play to react and respond to disruptive societal challenges by highlighting the importance of scientific evidence to inform decisions in times of...
We launched the homepage for the Viennese R&I Action. It provides information on the project in German and is relevant for reaching local stakeholders.
In this session, members of the Consortium reflected and discussed Informed Consent and simplicity in order to make Informed Consent procedures more accessible for Co-Researchers.
This document constitutes deliverable 8.1, CoAct Exploitation, Dissemination and Communication Plan in the framework of Work Package 8 (WP8). The plan will ensure that all communication and dissemination needs as elaborated in the CoAct WPs...
In line with the Open Science approach of the project, the text of the proposal is made publicly available through a Creative Commons License in order to widely share the concepts and ideas elaborated for this project. Please note that this document...
The Knowledge Coalition seeks to involve the broad community of people and institutions related to mental health. After informally contacting the potential Knowledge Coalition members by phone or email and once they confirmed their interest, they...
26 April – 2 May, 2020. Online co-creation process of a citizen social science prototype platform. The activity was part of the open innovation festival FrenalaCurva, a bottom-up response to the Covid-19 social crisis. Our project was selected to...