Events, webinars and conferences
Gender Equality hangout
Oct. 21st, 2021
Conference Track: Participatory Evaluation in Citizen Science
Sept. 27th-29th, 2021
2nd CoAct Q&A Session
September 9th, 2021
Registrations for the CoAct CSS school (September 13-23, 2021) are open!
The school takes impulse from the CoAct project experiences and partners. It aims to invigorate the academic community around a wide set of Citizen Social Science practices while providing…
Announcement *Open*Citizen*Social*Science hangout CoAct, April 21, 2021
On April 21, 2021 we hosted the first of CoAct’s *Open*Citizen*Social*Science hangouts. Bringing together a…
A new family is born – Join CoAct´s *Open*Citizen*Social*Science community
Global Innovation Gathering (GIG) | Feb. 12th, 2021. What do the Open Science and the Citizen…
Wrapping up CoAct Riachuelo’s 2020: Co-designing a Citizen Social Science project in the COVID-19 context in Argentina
Guillermina Actis and Malena Velarde, January 20th, 2021. Research Center for Transformation, National University of…
CoAct Consortium Meeting
On Monday November 30th and Tuesday December 1st, 2020, our second annual consortium meeting took…
dots – the Impact Summit
Come join the first online Global Innovation Gathering on 10-11 December 2020 CoAct coalition member…