2nd CoAct Q&A Session
September 9th, 2021
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2nd CoAct Q&A Session
September 9th, 2021

CoAct is organising a Q&A session to present our three open calls on gender equality and answer the questions that applicants have about the application process, eligibility, submission, selection process, costs, payments and legal aspects. 

Click here to register. The event is FREE of charge and will be held in English.

Agenda and formats

Arrival and Welcome
Introduction – Open Calls on Gender Equality


CoAct is launching a call for proposals, inviting civil society initiatives to apply for our cascading grants with max. 20.000,- Euro to conduct Citizen Social Science research on the topic of Gender Equality. A maximum of four (4) applicants will be selected across three (3) different open calls. Applications from a broad range of backgrounds are welcome, including feminist, LGTBQ+, none-binary and critical masculinity perspectives. 

Eligible organisations can apply until September 30th, 2021, 11:59 PM GMT. All information for submitting applications is available here: https://coactproject.eu/opencalls/