Step 2: Co-Designing Research

Co-designing research is an invitation to all co-researchers – academic and citizen – to take part in the realization of a research project.

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After the research problem and question(s) are defined following decisions must be deliberatively made:
Which methods are appropriate to collect and analyse data?
How is the field access to organize?
Which sampling strategies should be applied?
What kind of dissemination and action strategies should be developed?

CoAct stresses the importance for citizen social science to address complex societal challenges through participatory and creative methods. The aim in this step is to clarify and create a shared understanding of how the general research problem can be broken down into innovative methods and actions to address the issue at hand. The second step Co-designing research responds to the following key questions: Were qualitative, quantitative or mixed methods used? Which methods for data collection are applied? How do different groups engage in the research and co-design? What unique strategies would foster stakeholder engagement? How do these forms of engagement shaped and reshaped the design of research, or, how is co-design organized through the research process?