Citizen Science is Social!, a fringe event of the Citizen Science – SDG Conference, Berlin October 14 & 15. We are CoAct and SoCis – a coalition of civil society organisations and university research institutes across Europe and...
Presentation “Citizen Social Science. The example of participatory research with young people not in education, employment or training (NEET)” in the webinar “The Role of Universities in Fostering High Quality Citizen Science”, organized by UNICA...
17 & 22 September, 2020. During this third online session, the collaborative work that was started in July was revised and validated. This session and the following offline work allowed to come up with a revised and validated definition of...
„Reaching the hard to reach? Reflexionen und Strategien zur Einbindung von Co-Forschenden, die als schwer erreichbar gelten“, workshop held at the 5th Austrian Conference on Citizen Science (Together with Buchner Tobias; Kerschhofer-Puhalo, Nadja;...
Participatory knowledge production and their transformative potential for environmental justice in the case of Matanza Riachuelo river basin (Buenos Aires, Argentina).
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September, 2020. To ensure dynamic participation of the Knowledge Coalition, an online form was set up on the homepage. People can register for Knowledge Coalition activities as well as a mailing list specific to these activities independently...
Through a videocall local communities’ actors were engaged in a discussion of their problems, the actors with whom they create alliances and the specific actions in which they engage to resolve their pressing issues.
Through a videocall local communities’ actors were engaged in a discussion of their problems, the actors with whom they create alliances and the specific actions in which they engage to resolve their pressing issues. The participants were...
After giving their Informed Consent to participate in the research, the Knowledge Coalition members collaboratively worked on: the definition of social support network;the identification of collaborative objectives; anda mapping of their...
July – December, 2020. In order to get familiar with the insights and experiences of stakeholders in the field of Education up to 18, we conducted semi-structured conversations. We spoke to 9 stakeholders who work in different fields: CSOs or...