We are thrilled to announce that Valeria Arza, a CoAct consortium partner´s member, was awarded the Houssay Award for Social Sciences 2021.
With a degree in Economics (University of Buenos Aires), a Masters in Development (London School of Economics) and a PhD in Science and Technology Policy Studies (Sussex University), Arza specialises in industrial and agricultural innovation and its knowledge networks development. Her recent research projects are on science, technology and innovation (STI) policy, open science and citizen science, and STI for sustainable development.
Arza directs the PhD in Economics of Innovation at University San Martin‘s School of Economics and Business and is a fellow researcher at Consejo Nacional de investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas (CONICET – Argentina). She was director of the Centro de Investigaciones para la Transformación (CENIT – Argentina) between 2016 and 2019.
The Bernardo Houssay Award is a recognition granted by the Ministry of Science, Technology and Innovation in the Distinction Researcher of the Argentinian Nation framework, the highest award given to the most outstanding person in the national scientific system. It recognises those who have contributed throughout their scientific career to produce new knowledge, develop innovations with social and productive impact, and promote knowledge transfer and human resources training.