Who are we?
The Environment and Natural Resources Foundation (FARN) is a nongovernmental, non-partisan, non-for-profit organization, created in 1985 and located in Buenos Aires, Argentina.
How do we matter for CoAct?
FARN’s principal objective is to promote sustainable development through policy, law, and the institutional organization of society. Our work includes research and analysis, publications and training, conferences and meetings, community legal advising and environmental litigation. Our primary beneficiaries are public, private and civil society decision makers, as well as disadvantaged populations affected by environmental policy and decision-making.
Our role within CoAct?
FARN will partner with UNSAM in the design and execution of Research and Innovation Action #3: Environmental Justice in Buenos Aires. We will support UNSAM in performing collective research on bottom-up environmental indicators. FARN’s researchers will participate in all data collection, analytical and dissemination tasks, but predominantly they will lead the process of creating a crowdsourcing platform and the organisation of participatory workshops.